Wise Owl Society
The Wise Owls are those who leave a gift to the Nature Center through their estate. Their legacies keep environmental education strong and vital for future generations.
A variety of available donation methods fulfills the philanthropic needs of most donors.
Please consult with your financial advisor or contact Director of Development Vera Harsh for more information about becoming a Wise Owl.
[email protected] or 860.536.1216 ext. 111.
How it all started
In 1946 a group of far sighted individuals recognized the importance of protecting nature and encouraging the study and love of our precious resources. Now one of the oldest environmental organizations in Connecticut, the Denison Pequotsepos Nature Center is a model for conservation, education, and stewardship. Over the years, individuals have made planned gifts to ensure the legacy of the Nature Center. When the Wise Owls were first organized in 2014, it was to recognize the transformational value of all these gifts, large and small, and to create an easy method for others with shared beliefs to follow their lead.
The most meaningful gift you’ll ever make
Planned giving allows great flexibility when making a donation. It permits lifetime enjoyment of an asset with the assurance of its beneficial future use for an organization that reflects your values.
How you can plan for a legacy gift
Bequests are the most well-known deferred gifts, and can be written for a specific amount, a percentage of the total estate, or the remainders after specified conditions are met. A bequest may include cash, securities, and other assets of the donor’s choice. A bequest may be included in the body of a will or as an amendment (codicil).
You can identify a specific amount of money or a specified percentage of your estate. The following language may be used:
“I give, devise and bequeath to the Denison Pequotsepos Nature Center, or its successor organization, a nonprofit as described in section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code the sum of _____Dollars ($ _____ ).”
“I give, devise and bequeath to the Denison Pequotsepos Nature Center, or its successor organization, a nonprofit as described in section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code _____ percent of my estate.”
You may consult with your attorney or advisors on establishing a charitable trust or amending it to benefit the Nature Center. Such trusts often provide substantial income tax deductions when established and then an attractive, steady rate of income to you or others for a lifetime or set period after which the trust’s principal is transferred to the Nature Center.
As personal circumstances and plans change, the needs for an established life insurance policy can also change– offering a chance to name the Nature Center as a beneficiary.
Naming DPNC as beneficiary of your retirement account can be a valuable estate planning tool. Retirement accounts are typically subject to both estate taxes and income taxes. As a tax-exempt organization, the Nature Center will receive the full amount of your gift and will help you avoid excessive taxation.