September is here, with the start of autumn just around the corner!
As summer transitions into fall, nature reveals its seasonal rhythms. The ripening of blackberries signals a time of abundance for wildlife, with deer feasting on the last fruits of the season, including grapes, cherries, and apples.
Ruby-throated Hummingbirds, Monarch Butterflies, and Broad-winged Hawks all begin their long migrations south, marking the change in seasons with their departures. Monarch Butterflies travel around 3,000-miles to Mexico, where they will overwinter before starting the next generation. Higher in the skies, Broad-winged Hawks gather in large flocks known as kettles, preparing for their southward migration. These kettles, sometimes numbering in the thousands, are a breathtaking sight as they soar together in search of warmer climates.
At the same time, female Praying Mantises lay their papery egg sacs, which will protect their offspring throughout the cold months ahead.
Signs of fall are everywhere, from the blooming wild asters to the slowing calls of Katydids on cooler nights. The vibrant red leaves of Maples and the sight of Maitake mushrooms at the base of oaks remind us that the season is changing.