
The Gungywamp complex is an archaeological site of distinct natural and cultural interest in neighboring Groton, stewarded by the Nature Center and in 2023 was confirmed to the Connecticut State Register of Historic Places and named a State Archaeological Preserve.

Gungywamp features meandering stone walls, stone chambers and the remains of scattered colonial sites amongst interesting geological features and irregular ridges, bogs and swamps. Paleo and woodland Native American artifacts (stone implements and pottery shards), colonial and Early American artifacts have all been found on the site, but the usage of some of the structures still remains a mystery.

DPNC leads monthly hikes on the property, and private walks are available by appointment. To book a private tour of Gungywamp, email Kim Hargrave at [email protected]. DPNC guides take hikers through the terrain to explore these complex areas, as seen on the History Channel, as well as rocky ridges, glacial erratics, and swamps. The hike lasts approximately two hours and covers 1.5 miles over uneven terrain.

Click for scheduled guided tour of Gungywamp with DPNC