The Denison Pequotsepos Nature Center has received a $4,000 grant from the Bodenwein Public Benevolent Foundation for its “Habitats, Everyone Needs a Home” program. In addition, the Bodenwein fund provided a $3,000 grant to the Eastern Connecticut Community Garden Association that will benefit the Giving Garden at the Nature Center’s Coogan Farm.
The ‘Habitats, Everyone Needs a Home’ program is a series of environmental education lessons for preschool-aged children in southeastern Connecticut. The Habitats program will provide under-served preschools in the region with environmental education opportunities, including New London preschools. It meets the State of Connecticut’s Birth to Five Early Learning and Developmental Domain Strands.
Animals and nature are a natural fit for children’s studies, as are opportunities to explore ecology, shape our values and appreciate the beauty of nature. Students will meet animals that live in a specific habitat and recognize that animals and humans need the same basic things to survive in a habitat.
For more information on programs the Nature Center can bring to your preschool, contact Director of Education Molly Check, 860-536-1216 or [email protected]/
The Nature Center is grateful to the Bodenwein Public Benevolent Foundation for its continued support of our educational programs, and to the Eastern Connecticut Community Garden Association for its support of the Giving Garden, which provides fresh produce to the Gemma E. Moran United Way/Labor Food Center for distribution throughout New London County.